Players Without ECF Rating

The following players are cleared to play in rating-limited league competitions appropriate to their playing strength as determined by the County Match Controller (County Match Rule 5(c)).

Penalties - "For each ineligible player in a match the penalty shall be the loss of such player’s game, and the deduction of one penalty point from the resulting total of game points scored by the County in that match."

Date County Player's Name ECF Code Estimated Rating Comment
20-09-2024 Kent Howard Walden 225559F 1348 P rating - based on 5 games
20-09-2024 Middlesex Ishaq Uddin 323382A 1721 P rating - based on 8 games
20-09-2024 Middlesex Richard C Thursby
170194A 1750 last rated game Feb 2020 (151E)
26-09-2024 Essex Russell Terry
362492E 1550 Based on 4 results (1604P in Sept list)
29-09-2024 Surrey Paul Roche
118125H 1893 Last Rating - 1893K (Jul 2022)
30-09-2024 Kent Akshar Alok 359385L 1145 P rating - based on 8 games
30-09-2024 Kent Oscar Dhinsa 352750F 964 P rating - based on 8 games
03-10-2024 Hertfordshire Peyman Owladi
366855B 1640

1735P, St Albans Congress, Minor (u1600), placed 4-10, 4 rated games.

03-10-2024 Essex Nilesh Upadhye 362035K 1945

P rating - based on 7 rated games.

18-10-2024 Kent Liam Last
371160C 1300

No rated games.

19-10-2024 Surrey Angelo Allen
371288G 1350

No rated games.

19-10-2024 Surrey Yugo Nakashima 360876B 1342

Rapid rating (1342K)

21-10-2024 Kent Jesu Praveen
371161E 1600

No rated games

02-11-2024 Hertfordshire Rocco Campbell
369196C 1282

Rapid rating (1282K)



Sujan Sami



P rating - based on 7 rated rapid games.

11-11-2024 Surrey Nikoli Mantaev
371519L 1500 New player
20-11-2024 Essex Dan Mugridge 371350H 1400 New player
09-01-2025 Surrey Olya Orell
351725B 1475 P rating - 5 games
17-01-2025 Essex Jamie McPhee
373676D 1200 No history
24-01-2025 Essex Karan C Doshi 372778G 1760 P rating - based on 4 games