Life Vice President |
David R Sedgwick |
Patrons |
Mike Gunn |
SCCU Council
Council, the governing body of the Union, comprises the Officers, two delegates from each Member County and one delegate from each Non-County Member.
SCCU Executive Committee
The Executive Committee, responsible for general management of the Union, comprises the Officers, one representative of each Member County and up to five representatives of Non-County Members.
SCCU Officers
Position | Name | Contact Details |
President | David Lettington |
email: |
Deputy President | David Flewellen |
email: |
Secretary | Chris Bernard |
email: |
Treasurer | Tim Thurstan |
email: |
County Match Controller | Michael Flatt |
email: |
Junior Organiser | Angela Eyton |
email: |
Rating Officer | Michael Flatt |
email: |
Safeguarding Lead | Mark Murrell |
email: |
Webmaster | Michael Flatt |
email: |
Other Posts
Position | Name | Contact Details |
Delegate attending BCF Council | David Lettington | as above |
Delegate attending ECF Council | David Lettington | as above |
Independent Examiner | vacant | - |
Match Controller (u14/130) | Angela Eyton | as above |
Safeguarding Officer | Angela Eyton | as above |
Archivist | Anthony Fulton | - |
Rules & Appeals Sub-Committee
David Lettington - Convenor
Alan Atkinson
Julie Denning (Sussex)
Anthony Fulton (Middlesex)
Alan Hanreck (Kent)
Mark Murrell (Essex)
David Sedgwick (Surrey)
County Members
Organisation | Representative |
Contact Details |
Berkshire |
Ken Coates |
email: |
Buckinghamshire |
Jon Melsom |
email: |
Essex | John Chapman |
email: |
Hertfordshire | Michael Flatt |
email: |
Kent | David Gilbert |
email: |
Middlesex | Angela Eyton |
email: |
Surrey | Peter Lawrence |
email: peter_mary_ |
Sussex | Peter Farr |
email: |
Non-County Members
Organisation | Representative* | Contact Details |
Chess in Schools and Communities |
Agnieszka Milewska |
email: |
Hastings International Chess Congress |
David Sedgwick |
email: davidsedgwick4(at)googlemail(dot)com |
Maidenhead Junior Chess Club |
Nigel Dennis |
email: |
Richmond Junior Chess Club |
Paul McKeown |
email: richmond_junior_chess_ |
Thanet and East Kent Chess League |
Alan Atkinson |
email: |
* The Non-County Members are entitled to elect up to five of their membership to sit on the SCCU Executive.