amended 11.7.09

  1. The events shall be held annually under the control of the County Match Controller on a date and at a venue to be arranged by him and approved by the Executive Committee. Entry fees shall be set by the Executive Committee and shall be payable on entry.

  2. The events shall be open to all Member organisations of the Union. An organisation may enter any number of teams in either event.

  3. Teams shall consist of ten players in the U185 and six in the U150.

  4. Eligibility to play for a team shall be as laid down by the SCCU General Rules. Doubtful cases shall be referred to the County Match Controller or, in his absence, to the President or Deputy President of the SCCU prior to the events.

  5. In the U185 competition no player may have a grade higher than 184. In the U150 no player may have a grade higher than 149. "Grade" means a published ECF Standardplay grade as current at the start of the season. Players without such a grade may play only with the prior approval of the Controller.

  6. The penalty for including any ineligible player shall be the loss of the ineligible player's game and the deduction of a further penalty point from the team's score.

  7. Players shall be arranged in descending order of known current playing strength.

  8. Hutton Jamboree pairings shall be used. Prior to the start of play, captains shall draw lots in order to determine the team code letters.

  9. The rate of play shall be 35 moves in 1 hour and 45 minutes, followed by a quickplay finish with 30 minutes extra for each player for the remainder of the game. The Controller may vary this at his discretion, provided he gives notice of the substituted rate on the entry form.

  10. If a named player is absent, a substitute may be provided at any time during the first hour of play.

  11. A win shall score 1 point and a draw ½ point. The winning team shall be the team which scores most points. Any ties shall be resolved as follows:-
    1. number of wins
    2. board count, obtained by adding the sum of the numbers of the boards won to half the sum of the number of the boards drawn - the lower or lowest total wins;
    3. board elimination, from the bottom upwards.

  12. The winning team in the U185 competition shall receive the CMC Trophy, and the winning team in the U150 competition shall receive the John Philpott Trophy. These Trophies shall be returned to the Controller not later than one month before the date of the following year's Jamborees.

  13. Any question or dispute shall be referred to the Controller. He may, at his discretion, refer it to the Rules and Appeals Sub-Committee whose decision shall be final. Otherwise the Controller's decision shall be final.