Safeguarding of children, young people & adults in need

 Junior Participation

The Southern Counties Chess Union (“the Union”) welcomes and encourages the participation of Junior players in all our activities. A Junior is a child or a young person under the age of 18.

The Union runs several team events exclusively for Juniors managed by our Junior Organiser.

Our other events are open to adults, young people and children alike.

Some Union events have independent organisers responsible for running them:

  • SCCU Championship for individuals is contested at a Congress within our area
  • Junior Jamborees are sometimes held for the Union by a Junior Association or Junior Club
  • Teams who play in the Union’s County Championships and in its Junior Leagues are run by the Junior Associations or Junior Clubs participating in them.

Parents and guardians of Junior players participating in these events should consult the policies of the Congress, Junior Association or Junior Club concerned.

The Union has policies in place for its organised events:

  • Team Jamborees

  • Junior Team Jamborees that are hosted by the Union

  • Club team Tournaments

Conditions of entry addressing safeguarding, data protection and photography apply to all events.

Parents and guardians should be aware that the Union or independent organisations that host events for the Union do not provide supervision of children and young people under the age of 18, except where parents and guardians are excluded from the playing area. This remains the responsibility of parents and guardians and where applicable the organisers of a child’s team.

The Union is committed in partnership with junior organisers, parents and guardians to Junior players having a positive and enjoyable experience of chess in a safe environment, protected from harm and abuse. Child protection is an integral part of this and forms part of its Safeguarding policy.

Any parent or guardian with concerns arising at any Union activity event should raise them with the organiser of the event, the Safeguarding Officer for the event organisation, or with the Union’s Safeguarding Officer.

Photography & recording of images

Recording a child’s achievements can by really important. The Union, however, recognises the opportunity for misuse of published material and that there can be circumstances where publicity can be detrimental to a child or its family.

Parents and guardians who have any objection (which does not need any explanation) to photography should register it with the event organiser and in addition for team events with the organiser of their child’s team.

Parents and guardians should be aware that photography for publicity purposes by the Union and registered persons may take place at Union events. The Union’s policy, which all photographers must abide by, is to seek parental consent before photography takes place and for publication.

Photography and other recording of images is not permitted at Union events unless it is authorised in advance by the Organiser of the event or for county matches by both team captains/managers applying their organisation’s safeguarding and data protection policies.

Adults in need

Our safeguarding policies equally apply to adults with vulnerabilities. Carers should make themselves known to the event organisers in advance and on arrival.

Any chess players who may require permissible adjustments to facilitate engagement in the Union’s activities or assistance with access to playing areas should notify the event organiser in advance including in the case of county team matches alerting their team captain so that arrangements can be made with the opposing team captain as necessary.

Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

Whilst the primary function of the Union is to play, organise and promote chess, it recognises the responsibility for the welfare of children, young people and adults in need.

Please see the side panel for our supporting documentation referenced below, including an explanation of safeguarding and what it entails.

The Union adopts the current Safeguarding Policy of the English Chess Federation, which is a condition of our public indemnity insurance and is supplemented by the Union’s Privacy Notice. The Union is a data controller registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

SCCU safeguarding team

The Union’s Safeguarding Officer is:


The Safeguarding Lead to the Executive is:




Angela Eyton

Email link






Mark Murrell

Email link

079 7377 3786

 Angela and Mark are the Union’s designated working with children supervisors where regulated activity takes place during a Union run event. Where independent organisers run events for the Union involving regulated activity each will have their own appointed supervisors.

Safeguarding concerns in respect of any Union run activity should be raised straight away with the event organiser or the Union’s Safeguarding Officer. If this is not possible, they should be raised with the Safeguarding Lead.

Other safeguarding contacts

Emergency Services: 999 Police; (non - emergencies): 101

Other useful contacts

NSPCC: 0808 800 500 Childline: 0800 1111

Information for organisers

The Union has policies and procedures designed to assist Union organisers, officials and volunteers in the running of its activities, including recognising and handling safeguarding concerns (see side panel). Part of the role of the Safeguarding Officer is to advise and support them.

Organisers should consult in particular Appendices 2 and 9 of the ECF Safeguarding Policy and the Union’s Conduct of Conduct which can be found on the Historical Child Protection Page.

The Union has produced various documents designed to assist and inform organisers including:

  • Guidance for event organisers

  • Working with Children in regulated activity related documents