(comprising average team rated 2050 and 1675 sections)

Entry to the competition is closed (as of Sunday 22nd November).

Matches will be played between 28 November and 23rd January inclusive.

This event is open to all SCCU county and non-county members. It is ECF online standard rated and runs over five rounds. SCCU members can enter as many 8-board teams as they wish in each of the 2050 and 1675 team average-rated sections.

A player can play only for one member organisation throughout the competition and for only one team for that organisation in each section. All players must be current ECF members or Supporters and use the same playing account and username for the event’s duration.

Player online registration incorporating fair play contract:

Match schedules and results are displayed within the SCCU page of ECF LMS:

Contacts for players wishing to register their interest in taking part:
Berkshire: Paul Janota   - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Essex: Peter Nickals - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kent: David Gilbert - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Surrey: Peter Lawrence - peter_mary_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Major - team average not exceeding 2050 (deemed lower rating 1650)
Inter - team average not exceeding 1675 (deemed lower rating 1275)

Rounds: 2pm on Saturdays 28 November, 5 December, 9 January, 16 January and 23 January
Format: All play all on above round dates as required.
Time control: G60/15
Rating: ECF online standard rating and Lichess classical rating
Teams: 8 boards
Matchcards: ECF League Management System (pairings and results)

Communication: Players & Section Managers What’s App; Captains & Organiser in play Zoom

County Challenge

A series of individual events for  SCCU registered players who are not selected for a team in any given round or who expressed interest in slower online chess with their county organiser prior to the team entry deadline. 

Rule 13 of the General Rules applies, confined to SCCU online events for 2020/21
(over-the board eligibility shall not be affected by online allegiances)
ECF member or Supporter for 2020/21 playing account holder
Acceptance of SCCU Conditions of Entry, October 2020
August 2020 ECF OTB standard rating (otherwise OTB rapid or Controller’s estimate)

SCCU Online Team Championships Rules 2020/21
SCCU general conditions of entry:
ECF safeguarding code of conduct for playing chess online
ECF Fair Play & Anti-Cheating Rules:
Lichess Terms of Service:
With acknowledgements to the 4NCL & their authors:
Guide to playing on lichess:
Disconnections Guidance:

Player contract (see above registration form)
Competition Rules (including SCCU event sanctions) terms and conditions of account membership
ECF Online Fair Play and Anti-Cheating Rules (save for event sanctions)
Independent analysis at the request of an excluded player who has been sanctioned by Lichess or otherwise at the discretion of the organisers.

Control Team:

Organiser – Mark Murrell; 2050 Manager – David Gilbert; 1675 Manager – Chris Bernard