29 Aug 1999 |
- Surrey Congress (see 8th August). Surrey CCA confirm that the Congress will go ahead at Easter 2000, over the four days Friday - Monday in much the same format as always. It has been contracted out to the Coulsdon Chess Fellowship, who will hold it at Carshalton High School for Girls.
27 Aug 1999 |
- David Smith, SCCU County Match Controller, presents the Fixture List 1999-2000 (with list of match captains).
- We've cleared a lot of stuff out in readiness for the new season. Last year's material, or most of it, is in the 1998-9 Archive.
- Grading! Just received from the BCF: a simple version of the new list. This should mean the whole thing is on its way to the printer.
24 Aug 1999 |
- 30th Thanet Congress 20-22 August 1999
22 Aug 1999 |
- BCF Grading List. We left the BCF Office last night about quarter to nine, after helping with menial tasks, and they'd just hit a major snag. Brief details on the BCF page. The schedule looks like getting pushed back two or three days, hope not more.
- SCCU History. In between the menial tasks we did some ferreting in the BCF's library. We've pushed the Junior Individual Titles back another five or six years, and filled them in a bit for the sixties as well. We've even found some more SCCU Ladies Champions. There are still gaps, and your help is wanted!
- Richmond Juniors now have a (very useful) website. Kings Head have got going at the third attempt, and the Links page also has a new entry from Oxfordshire.
20 Aug 1999 |
- BCF Grading List. Projected date of publication is now somewhere around the 3rd September. Things are getting a bit tight for competition entries. An important notice for County Associations and impending Congresses is appended to our Grading notes at the top of the BCF page. Marc Shaw of Harrow is a candidate for the Grading Directorship in September.
- SCCU County entries. Deadline was 15th August. Just two Counties have not entered yet, and it's got more to do with finding match captains than worrying about the new grading list. The Fixture List 1999-2000 is expected to be out on schedule by the end of this month.
- SCCU History. Just the odd addition to the Individual Champions and Trophies and Who was Who? pages. Please tell us what you know about the Stevenson Memorial Trophy...
- Kings Head website (see 15th August) abandoned its original address after server problems, but we haven't so far been able to rouse the new server either. Let you know when we've succeeded.
15 Aug 1999 |
- Golders Green Rapidplay 14.8.99
- Slough CC have a site now. The new Kings Head site will go on the Links page when we've been able to get into it. If you want to try, the address we have is http://kingshead.tytek.net/. [Later note: don't try it, it's been changed. See 22nd August.]
- They've finally pulled the plug on your Webmaster's old email address. If there's anyone who's still got it in their address book, now's the time to change it. New one (since January!) is rjh@fdn.co.uk. Backup address rjh@ndirect.co.uk
8 Aug 1999 |
- Surrey Congress 2000. We said 13th June that the Surrey CCA was hoping to sub-contract this event, and we published their invitation to tender. This matters a bit, because the SCCU Championship goes with the Congress assuming satisfactory arrangements. Today's unofficial information from Surrey is that they have had at least one sensible tender, and confidently expect to go ahead at Easter (with a basically unchanged Congress, though the venue may be different). Final decision should be made in ten days or so, will keep you posted.
- Which reminds us. We said a month later that we'd confirm when we were sure the SCCU was selling BCF Grading Lists. Could have confirmed a while back, but forgot. The Union is selling BCF Lists, at the standard price of £15 (or £10 for Direct Members). Contact Howard Grist, details in the Who's who? page. For County Lists, see the BCF page. For publication date, see the BCF page again.
5 Aug 1999 |
- Gleaned from Ivor Smith's Chessex: Essex Leagues 1998-9, plus the Essex Team Blitz and Individual Lightning 4.7.99
4 Aug 1999 |
- BCF Grading List. Since the last entry (31st July) the news has got worse. They are now aiming to publish at the end of August. See the BCF page for some details. For impact on SCCU inter-County entries, see the same article.
- BCF Website, if you hadn't found out, is now publishing detailed and up-to-date results from the British.
- An Appeal. The Trophies page has been growing surreptitiously over the last two or three days. We'd love to hear from people who know anything about a Stevenson Memorial Trophy that went with the SCCU Championship tournament at Bognor in the fifties and sixties.
31 Jul 1999 |
- BCF Grades will be a little late this year. Now predicted for second week of British. Things haven't been altogether straightforward, in this first tentative year of the new system. A brief rundown of the state of play appears in the BCF page.
- 4NCL Press Release from Nigel Johnson. The competitions grow! It's in the Club & County page, because we don't have a 4NCL page. Don't think it's on the 4NCL site yet.
28 Jul 1999 |
- Cyril Johnson sends some details of the Counties Rapidplay Championship (9th October 1999) and Yorkshire Individual Handicap Rapidplay Championship (10th October), both in Sheffield. See the Notices page.
- Been a quiet few days otherwise. There's a new link (Imperial College CC), and the odd minor revision, and we've actually added a Picture of the old Shannon Trophy. It's in the Trophies page. Don't worry, you won't get it unless you ask for it. [Appeal to graphics experts. 130K looks a bit over the top for this picture. How can I reduce the file size without reducing also the size or quality of the image?]
23 Jul 1999 |
- History Section has grown again. Who was Who? is now done. Was going to be just Past Presidents/Secretaries/Treasurers, but it got a bit out of hand.
21 Jul 1999 |
- Nottingham Gigafinal results 11.7.99
- Magne Tvedt from Norway (see Open Forum) seeks ECGCF results. We've tried to give a pointer in Neil Clifton's direction, but couldn't get into his site the other day. If you have anything else of interest we're sure it will be welcome.
- Not new, but the Trophies bit of the History section has grown rather a lot. It's got a page to itself now. A few more names in the list of Shannon winners as well. I think I've got the History bug.
17 Jul 1999 |
- Golders Green Rapidplay 17th July
16 Jul 1999 |
- More on the history of SCCU inter-County competitions, in What's Old?. How many Stevenson Trophies are there?
- An arbiting question from Jeff Goldberg in Open Forum
14 Jul 1999 |
- Thought we'd finished with the BCF Stage County Matches, but we've just had the Minor Counties semi-final 6th June(!) between Herts and Norfolk. We've put it in.
13 Jul 1999 |
- Howard Grist of Southend (details in Who's Who?) has agreed to take over as SCCU Grading Secretary. Doubt if he'll do you a County List, but it looks as though we'll be selling BCF ones again. Let you know when that's firm.
- Brief Wireplay update in Junior News
- There's an SCCU Trophy in the Ragbag.
11 Jul 1999 |
- About the SCCU has changed a bit.
- SCCU County Match Rules are now updated.
- Roger de Coverly sends a couple of corrections to the Fleming Trophy History (in the County Adult Teams Section). One or two other very minor corrections in the same section. We hope to turn our attention to SCCU History, now the season's County Team results are out of the way, and we'd be specially grateful to anyone with information on the SCCU/ECCU Year Book of the 1930s. Haven't got a single copy on file. We have SCCU Minute Books 1930-46, and 1958 to the present day. Fill us in, anyone?
- It seems to us that the slow response times (see 1st July) have now been corrected. Let us know if you don't agree. We're rjh@fdn.co.uk
08 Jul 1999 |
- Kent Junior Grand Prix: Final Event 3.7.99, and season's winners. Also features winner of the site's Best Name of the Season competition.
- Doubles Game Rumens & Howell v Two Americans, World Open (Philadelphia) 1999. You'll have picked up the main results, for British juniors, from the BCM site.
05 Jul 1999 |
- County Finals 26th June: correction to U175
- Kent Schools League is now completed. Under 11 update in Junior News
- SCCU AGM 3rd July: report is now on site.
04 Jul 1999 |
- SCCU AGM was yesterday. Who's Who? has been updated; more shortly.
01 Jul 1999 |
- Have you experienced slow response times lately, when accessing the SCCU site? NetDirect, our hosts, tell us they have this in hand. Expect big improvements in the next eight or ten days.
30 Jun 1999 |
- County Finals: correction to U125
- National Club page (see 28th June) has changed after all. Handicap results are a bit more explicit now, and we've inserted some semi-final results in the U125. Neil Graham now has all the Finals in detail.
Next year's Nat Club Finals will be on Sunday 9th July (and County Finals Saturday 24th June). National Club prizes are set to rise substantially, thanks to savings on venue. New Controller will be George Thirlaway.
29 Jun 1999 |
- A team of 21 juniors from Sussex, Richmond and Kent is just back from a friendly contest - 3-round match and two Swisses - against Northern France 26-27 June. See Kent Junior site for a general account, and Sussex Junior site for detailed results.
28 Jun 1999 |
- Wood Green are National Club Champions. Finals were 27.6.99. Neil Graham's site gives all the results, mostly in detail. (We've taken the opportunity to update our National Club page, and it's probably now as complete as it's going to be.)
27 Jun 1999 |
- All of yesterday's results in the County Finals. Including the U150, the one that had no SCCU involvement. Not a bad SCCU haul, with four titles out of six. Congratulations to Cambs, Herts, Essex and Surrey.
- Golders Green Rapidplay 26.6.99
- U18 Jamborees 2000 and 2001: Nigel Dennis gives some details on the Junior News page.
- Open Forum: David Sedgwick on an incident in the National Club
26 Jun 1999 |
- Today's County Finals, bare results (details tomorrow). Open Cambs 11 5 Kent; Minor Herts 8½ 7½ Bucks; U175 Essex 8½ 7½ Devon; U150 Warwicks* 8 8 Lancs; U125 Cambs 8½ 7½ Herts; U100 Surrey 8 4 Lancs
24 Jun 1999 |
- BCF Management Board meeting 19.6.99: a report from John Philpott
20 Jun 1999 |
- BCF seeks volunteer Financial Managers. See BCF News
19 Jun 1999 |
- BCF Management Board meeting 19.6.99: "All scheduled business completed and fifteen minutes left at the end for any other business." Read any other organisation, and that would be Dog Bites Man. Hope to publish a report shortly.
17 Jun 1999 |
- National Club update: U150 semi-finals
- BCF Office (see 9th June) is sending and receiving again. "Further notice" was the grapevine, but it turned out to be true.
15 Jun 1999 |
- U125 semi-final Herts 12 4 Suffolk 5.6.99
13 Jun 1999 |
- Surrey Easter Congress: Surrey CCA intends to sub-contract this event in 2000 and beyond, and invites tenders. Deadline 26.7.99. Details in Club and County page.
12 Jun 1999 |
- SCCU AGM is 3rd July. Complete papers of the meeting are available for download. Zipped Word file, 27K. Map not provided.
- BCF Management Board: a brief snippet in advance of the meeting 19.6.99
- Minor updates in the Counties U100 semi-finals and the National Club Handicap
11 Jun 1999 |
- SCCU U14/U90 Championship 1999-2000: provisional fixture list
09 Jun 1999 |
- U150 semi-final: Sussex 8 8 *Warwicks
- National Club semi-final update: U175 Open and Plate
- Open Forum: John Philpott replies to David Sedgwick (see yesterday's entry)
08 Jun 1999 |
- Semi-finals: Open Kent 13 3 Dorset; U150 Lancs* 8 8 Kent
- Richmond Rapidplay 6.6.99
- Open Forum: David Sedgwick writes on potential clashes between County matches and the 4NCL. It's at the top of the page at the moment but will move down to the "County matches" section in due course.
- Howard Curtis, BCF Director of Management Services, is now using a new phone number for BCF purposes: 0181 668 7118. Also a slightly different email address: howard@ccfs.freeserve.co.uk. His old contact details will still work.
07 Jun 1999 |
- U100 semi-final 5.6.99 Surrey 7 5 Essex
- Bare results: Minor Counties Norfolk 8 8 *Herts; U125 Herts 12 4 Suffolk
- National Club semi-finals: update in the U150 and the U125 Plate
06 Jun 1999 |
- Minor Counties semi-final Suffolk 5½ 10½ Bucks 5.6.99
- And some more bare results 5.6.99: Open Kent 13 3 Dorset; U150 Warwicks* 8 8 Sussex.
Non-SCCU: U175 Devon 10 6 Beds; U125 Warwicks 7 9 Cambs
- Kent Junior Association's Family Tournament 30.5.99 (see KJCA site) clashed, as last year, with the KCCA Finals Day. And they're only a couple of miles apart. It's a Fun (not graded) Tournament. Winners, also as last year, were Jeremy - Chris's big brother - and Joel Ward. Jeremy's son Joel can't be more than six. Prizes, as ever, included silly things like Most Checks in a Game Award. To see what the other silly awards were, and who else did well sensibly, visit the site.
05 Jun 1999 |
- County semi-finals 5.6.99: Open Essex 5½ 10½ Cambs; U175 Essex 9½ 6½ Warwicks
- Plus bare results: Minor Bucks 10½ 5½ Suffolk; U150 Lancs* 8 8 Kent; U100 Surrey 7 5 Essex
04 Jun 1999 |
- Hendon Blitz 3.6.99
- Some Essex Results 1998-9
- British Chess Problem Society do an annual Solving Competition. The starter problem 1999-2000 is in the Games page. Easy, especially with a computer, but the later stages are harder. Especially the (live) Final with presumably no computers allowed. Try it.
- Since we're in the Games page, we've succumbed to a temptation we've been resisting for months. rjh v Anon, and we hope you find it as funny as the spectators did.
- With a County Grader's hat on, rjh has recently informed some clubs of the new one-third charge for club internal games. A response appears in the BCF News page.
01 Jun 1999 |
- An update to the BCF Stage competitions (Minor)
31 May 1999 |
- A minor update in the National Club Open Plate and Handicap Plate
30 May 1999 |
- Kent Finals Day 30.5.99. Why doesn't your County have a Finals Day?
29 May 1999 |
- Open Forum: Bruce Birchall joins in the Thurlow-Clifton-Sinclair sex correspondence.
- A brief addition (bears today's date) to the parliamentary exchanges on Chess as a Sport
- SCCU Non-County Membership. The other application (see 27 May) is in. It's the Coulsdon Chess Fellowship.
28 May 1999 |
- SCCU success at the Womens Zonal in Italy 17-28 May. WIM Jovanka Houska tied =2nd/3rd with 6/9 and won the play-off 2½-1½ to qualify for the World Championship KO in Moldova 3-26 September. You may find the full results on the official site (see 19 May), but last time we looked the site wasn't there. WGM Harriet Hunt is also qualified. She had already been awarded a special place by FIDE.
- Success also in Brussels 22-23 May at the Rapidplay International des Jeunes. Kent U14 Raymond Gosden took the U16 title with 6½/9. No other English players.
27 May 1999 |
- Neil Graham (Ashfield CC, wherever that is) sends us some more National Club Semi-Final updates in the U175 (Plate) and U125. We'll have you yet, Neil.
- London Chess Association has now applied for Non-County Membership of the SCCU. Another serious application is in the pipeline, we've just heard, and that would make it five. Acceptance is not automatic - Council 3.7.99 decides - but no sensible application is going to get rejected.
24 May 1999 |
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