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Updated 5.7.99

The AGM was held 3.7.99 at the Marquis of Clanricarde (a pub) in Southwick St, London W2. 14 attended, which was barely more than a quorum. Last year's figure was 20. Main points:
(1) County matches. The County Match Controller's report mentioned the worrying number of individual game defaults (quite apart from the two defaulted matches). This has occasioned comment at BCF level as well. Someone asked if the Union had ever considered punitive sanctions for individual defaults. (It hasn't, not recently at any rate.) The Executive Committee was asked to have a think about this.
(2) Juniors. The missing trophies came up again. Research has not revealed their whereabouts, so far. However, the meeting was reasonably satisfied of their existence. Unless someone's melted them down. (Or chopped them up. rjh does not know what sort of trophies they are.) It is thought that one of the current Champions may be investigating.
     The U14/U90 competition is set to continue, and the (retiring) President announced his intention to donate a trophy.
     Girls U18 Jamborees. These are to be held the day after the "Boys" ones. No one felt able to say how this would affect entries, but we couldn't do much worse than last year's Two. Last season's, that is. 2000 events are 4th and 5th March, in Chelmsford.
(3) Money. The Accounts 1998-9, showing a deficit for the year of £231 (£515 budgeted!) were adopted. The meeting agreed a budget deficit of £830 for 1999-2000. This included an increase in Bulletin sub from £6 to £9, following an increase in duplicating costs. It was too early to say how Bulletin sales would be affected by the introduction of the Website. Website allocation is £200, but considerable savings might be made in future by switching to a free ISP.
(4) Election of Officers. Names and addresses are in Who's Who?. No surprises. Chris Majer is your new President. His predecessor, John Philpott, did not stand for office but has taken over as Essex rep. The office of Deputy President was left temporarily vacant, and there were no candidates for Grading Secretary. Which brings us to
(5) Grading. It is not our custom to record apologies for absence in these website reports. But we'll mention the apologies of the (retiring) Grading Secretary, because the reason is of interest. He was in the middle of a weekend session at the BCF Office, working flat out on data for the August List. [Not said at the meeting, but the BCF has a small grading-crisis on at the moment following the departure of its employee responsible for grading.]
     The meeting debated whether we needed an SCCU Grading List this year. One of its advantages has been its A5 format, which makes it more portable than the BCF monster. But that's without extras like Rapidplay grades, and it was doubtful if we could fit those into A5. It was decided, by a majority of 5 to 2, that we could do without an SCCU List this year. Exact figures were not available, but income from sales has always been fairly small in comparison with income from BCF lists. (The Unions get a commission on BCF lists, and have them on a sale-or-return basis.)
     Preparing and marketing the SCCU Grading List, and marketing the BCF one, has always been the Grading Secretary's biggest job. Almost his only job, setting aside any grading he may do personally. Or Results-Officering. A suggestion to go back to Election of Officers and see if we had a volunteer, now the job had got smaller, was not taken up. But no one leapt to his feet when the suggestion was made. [rjh: We could stop selling BCF lists, and still use someone in a general co-ordinating capacity. Maybe it will come to that.]
     Another thing Grading Secretaries have done, now we think of it, is to produce County Lists on request. But it is quite possible for a County to negotiate directly with the BCF. One County said it was doing so.
(6) Non-County Members.The meeting elected the London Chess Association and the Coulsdon Chess Fellowship, bringing the number of NCMs to five. Contact details for the new members are in Who's Who?.
(7) SCCU Tournament Rules. The new draft was approved, after some amendments. Someone proposed an additional rule saying (more or less) that a substitute may not be stronger than the player he replaces. Feelings were quite strong on this one, in both directions. Some thought it would tie a match captain's hands too much, and the addition was not agreed.1
     The draft said nothing about penalties for failing to meet deadlines, when contacting opponents or sending results. However, the meeting agreed that offences should be firmly stamped on.
(8) Counties Rapidplay Championship. This year's event is 9th October in Sheffield. It was always more or less a Midlands thing, but it has now started to move around the country. Next year's event has been offered to the SCCU. We would have to see what Counties were interested.
What, only eight items? It was more, on the Agenda, but we haven't missed a lot out except for the detail. The meeting closed at the civilised time of 5 pm, having taken something under three hours.

1 Item 7. Do readers have any views on this one? Your Webmaster's county has had such a rule for as long as he can remember, in its inter-club tournaments, and no one ever complains about it. He's always assumed, perhaps wrongly, that it's the same in other counties. Maybe match captains have an easier life in club tournaments.

3rd July 1999
The Executive met, as always, immediately after the AGM, and the attendance was almost identical. At least one person commented adversely on the counties' lack of interest in the AGM.
     Fred Manning was co-opted, and confirmed in his job of Curator of Equipment. The Executive appointed the Rules & Appeals Sub-Committee, and representatives to the BCF and LCA. Names are in Who's Who?.
     It also fixed the date of the next meeting, provisionally, as Friday 3rd September. Backup date 10th September. The Executive always fixes its other dates at the September meeting. It was noted that the AGM might have to be in July again (Saturday 1st) since the 24th June was BCF Counties Finals Day.

14th May 1999
The Executive met at the Durham Castle as usual (though not for much longer: the Kings Head club, through whose offices we book the room, are moving out). 14 attended. Main items:
(1) SCCU U180 Jamboree. This year's event had not been arranged. The intended date (15th May) had not proved possible for Oxon, the hosts. It would be hard to find another date this season, and short of holding it in September as a curtain-raiser to the new season we would probably have to ditch it for this year. The Executive agreed to ditch it. There was some feeling that the Jamboree had outlived its usefulness, now we have an U175 league. However, it was agreed to hold next year's Jamboree in April or May.
(2) Non-County Membership. The President had received informal enquiries from a possible applicant for membership. This application could be contentious if anything comes of it. It's the Middx Girls CA, and it's not run by Middx. No, rjh had never heard of it either.
(3) County Match fixtures 1999-2000. The Controller had produced, and was about to circulate, a provisional Open list (see below). He said that, although people had grumbled about the old set of fixtures, he had been able to find nothing seriously amiss with it. Apart from the inclusion of Middx, his new list was substantially the previous year's with venues reversed.
(4) BCF Rules: County Matches. Two things, both on eligibility. (a) the GMCCA had proposed, at the Finance Council Meeting, that where a match captain's grade goes over the limit just before a season begins, he should remain eligible to play for the team. The proposal had been more or less shelved, but in case it came back, what would the Union's attitude be? It would be negative. The proposal found little or no support on the Executive.
     And (b) it appeared that Cyril Johnson was toying with an amendment (we had nothing in writing) to the effect that, in order to be eligible, you have to play for a club in the County. On reflection rjh can't believe he's said this. He must surely be thinking of a rider to one particular rule: the rule that makes you eligible if you are currently (etc) a member of a club in the County. So that in future you not only have to belong to the club, you must actually play for it. He can't possibly be thinking of people who qualify by other routes (say, birth in the County). Well, let's hope not. But it was not immediately clear, and people may well have taken it that way. Possibly because details were vague, the Executive fancied that the amendment had not been thought through. At all events the amendment, whatever it is, is no more than a twinkle in Cyril's eye at the moment.
     It may be that Cyril has had in mind certain people who have qualified for Cambs in recent years by virtue of being life members of the University Chess Club, though in fact they went down some time ago and never go near the club. Cyril has said that this year he does not propose to challenge anyone whose eligibility has been accepted at the SCCU stage.
(5) Juniors. U18 Jamborees 2001. It was agreed to take up the offer to hold these in Hertfordshire, in the county's centenary year.
     The Junior Organiser had had a letter from Peter Turner asking the Union to publicise grants available from the BCF Youth Chess Trust. These are for local (or Union?) initiatives aimed at developing junior chess. Up to £100 is available for a local initiative. The Junior Organiser will copy the letter to County Secretaries, but anyone interested is invited to contact Peter Turner (ref YCT1), BCF Junior Director, 8 Endcliffe Avenue, Bottesford, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire DN17 2RD
(6) Grading. The Grading Secretary, who happens to be also the BCF Director of Game Fee and Grading, turned up specially for half an hour or so (wife and child waiting outside!) to summarise the state of play and answer people's questions. Briefly:
     (a) It will still be possible, though not very popular, for people to enter results the old way until the end of this season. Until June, that is. But not new players: these have to be done the new way.
     (b) The original (and still current) version of the "grader's" software was very unforgiving. The new version, expected shortly, would be much more flexible. The new version of "Tournament Director" had unfortunately not appeared yet. The software at the BCF's end had been modified to accept pretty well any halfway reasonable attempt at input.
     (c) The Grading List would be hard copy, accompanied by a CD containing the same thing and a lot more besides. It was hoped that this would include all the names and addresses from the Yearbook, updated with each 6-monthly CD.
     (d) The Director was confident that the system would produce this year's summer list accurately and without hitches. What he could not say was how many omissions there might be. Of course there have always been omissions.
     (e) Some 40 "graders", out of 150-odd, had so far submitted results. No comparison with previous years was possible; in the past nearly everything has come in at the end. Indeed, lots of people this year had decided to give the half-year input a miss and just send everything in one go. This was understandable, given the delays with implementation.
     (f) This year's "graders" - we're supposed to call them Results Officers - will not always be the same people as last year's Graders. Some Graders have felt unable to continue, given the changes in the job specification. [One county at least has lost its Grader and not found voluntary Results Officers easy to come by.]
     (g) The Director had appointed three co-ordinators to ease the administrative burden. These are: Juniors Neville Belinfante; Leagues Bruce Holland; and Congresses Ken Groce; and their contact details are in the BCF Page.
     (h) The Director said he was standing down at the September Council Meeting. He would also stand down as SCCU Grading Secretary. In view of family responsibilities he felt unable to go on shouldering the huge workload.
     SCCU Grading List. The Executive was unsure whether there was still a place for an SCCU Grading List. We would put it to Council at the AGM.
(7) SCCU Individual Championship 2000 and BCQ places. It was agreed to go to Southend, whose turn it was, for the Championship. The other qualifying places would go to Maidstone and (subject to confirmation) the Surrey Congress. Subject to confirmation because the Surrey Congress seemed likely to be in a different format in future; new organisers were being sought. The venue at least was pretty certain to change, considering this year's big price increase.
     The Southend representative said he did not know whether the Redbus KO would continue. [rjh: Redbus have suggested that it will.]
(8) Money. Put this one off long enough. The Executive considered the SCCU draft Accounts 1998-9, which showed a deficit of £259 compared with a budgeted deficit of £515. In recent years the Union has found it hard to realise budgeted deficits, often turning them into unintended surpluses. Current reserves of close to £4000 were more than adequate, and it was agreed to propose another deficit budget (£830 or so) for 1999-2000. It is not proposed to change the affiliation or entry fees. But the Bulletin is due for a price rise (first since 1994) as costs have gone up. An increase from £6 to £9 will be proposed.
(9) Money (BCF). The Finance Committee's review of budgeting/forecasting/monitoring procedures is under way. The Junior Director had some preliminary findings on the Witley affair, but they were intriguingly confidential.
     It emerged that no one was very sure whether the new Game Fee for internal club games was exactly one-third of 29p, or whether it would be rounded up to 10p. rjh does not remember anything being said about rounding.
(10) Extraordinary BCF Council Meeting? You will remember that lots of things did not get done at the Finance meeting, and noises had been made about going shares in requisitioning an extra meeting. (It takes two Unions to do this.) The Director of Game Fee and Grading had said at the time that he could not proceed without the (crowded-out) changes to the Constitution. He had changed his mind since. But there were other things, none of them in itself sufficient to warrant a special meeting, which collectively looked capable of clogging up the works for the foreseeable future. Enthusiasm for another meeting was limited, but the President was authorised to support the convening of one if he became convinced that it was necessary.
(11) SCCU Officers for next year. Everyone was still available except the Grading Secretary (no replacement sprang to mind). John Philpott, the retiring President, does not intend to stand for Union office. His proposed successor is Chris Majer.
(12) SCCU County Match Rules. The Rules & Appeals Sub-Committee had prepared a draft, which (after revision) will go to Council in July. It was a tidying-up exercise and proposed no real changes of substance. But the Executive considered a couple of real changes that could be incorporated.
     (a) Substitutes for absent players. At the moment a substitute can be of any strength, GMs on bottom board included. Should the draft outlaw this? No, on a split decision.
     (b) The rules provide no penalty for match captains that persistently fail to send results in time, or to contact their opponents in time with pre-match details. Should they provide one? It was agreed not to draft any provisions, but to seek Council's views. Of course the Controller, even without Council's permission, can always impose penalties if he wishes. He would only need to make his position clear to everyone at the outset.
(13) London Chess Association. The SCCU representative to the LCA, DR Sedgwick, reported (a) that at its forthcoming AGM the LCA was to consider applying for Non-County Membership of the Union; and (b) that he would not continue as SCCU representative next year.
(14) What got crowded out? Nothing, except Chess as a Sport. The meeting closed at the comparatively civilised time of 10.30 pm.




HBr  KBu  SyE  SxM



EBr  SxC  KH  SyO  BuM









BrBu  CE  HSy  OSx  MK



CH  BrK  BuSy  ESx  MO







BuC  SxH  SyK  EO  BrM








SyBr  SxBu  KC  HO  EM  


CBr  OBu  HE  KSx  MSy










BuH  EK  BrO  SxSy  CM



BuE  OK  CSy  BrSx  MH




These fixtures are similar to last year's, but with venues reversed. If Counties have problems with any of them, they should inform the Tournament Controller quickly.

12th March 1999
Note. This is emphatically not the minutes of the meeting. It is rjh's personal account, omitting the routine boring bits and (possibly) other things.
     The Executive met at the Durham Castle, Alexander St, London W2. 15 attended. Before the meeting began, Bill Waterton (Surrey President) gave some personal reminiscences of JJ Lauder. Fred Manning had represented the SCCU at his funeral. The Executive stood for a minute in silence in Harry's memory.
     Main items:
(1) The Executive spent approximately 10 seconds approving the minutes of the previous meeting. Wouldn't have mentioned it, only some of you may have a nodding acquaintance with BCF meetings.
(2) A lot of things seemed to come up under Matters Arising, perhaps not surprisingly since we hadn't met for six months. To complicate things, half of it Arose from Matters Arising and you had to keep looking two meetings back to remind yourself of what you were talking about. We'll mention just one item. We had approached the BCF Junior Director a couple of times suggesting that the SCCU should get more qualifiers in the U18 team finals, considering the relative numbers of entries. No answer had been received, and the President would try his luck with the new Director. After giving him a bit more time to settle in, maybe.
(3) Secretary's "Report". Some at least of the Executive are capable of receiving email, and the Secretary asked if those present would object to receiving papers for meetings that way. No one did. Someone proposed that Executive members should receive AGM papers even if they were not automatically members of Council, and that was agreed.
(4) Money. The Treasurer said all the Member Counties had paid their dues, without too much chasing. Only one of the three Non-County Members had paid, but that might have been because he hadn't yet invoiced the other two. Dues are normally payable by the end of the calendar year.
(5) SCCU County Matches. The Controller summarised the state of play, with one round to go in all the competitions, but that's in the League Tables page unless the last round's gone in by the time you read this. He mentioned the mind-boggling array of possibilities in the Open. Some issues discussed:
     (a) Eligibility of Cambs players. Last season the National controller had ruled ineligible, at the national stage, some players who had appeared in the Union stage without provoking any comment from him. This seemed wrong, since he had seen the Union results as they occurred. The Executive felt that he had misapplied the rules anyway. The sought-after discussions with him had not yet taken place, and the matter would be pursued.
     (b) Middx had announced their intention to play in the Open next season. We looked like having a full complement of 10 teams for the first time in n years. This would mean revisiting the fixture list, but that exercise had been scheduled anyway. The Cambs delegate remarked that Cambs fixtures would have to be fitted into term time.
     (c) Game defaults seemed to be on the increase. No one knew what to do about this. The two defaulted matches this year had not been critical in terms of the number of teams qualifying for the BCF stage, but it was a worry.
     (d) QPF claims: there had (unusually) been two that went to an absentee arbiter, and certainly one of them had taken far too long to resolve. This had been due to a combination of circumstances.
     (e) Late results. Some match captains were consistently ignoring the deadline for sending results, and some were hardly sending results at all. ("Name and shame," someone said, so Kent named a Kent one and Oxon named an Oxon one.) So how about applying penalties? Essex said they fined you money for being late in the Essex competitions, and it didn't make a blind bit of difference apart from keeping Essex solvent. [Match captains don't pay the fine, do they? Now, if you fined them points instead...]
(6) Juniors. (Last weekend's results are in the U18 and U14 pages.)
     (a) Jamboree venues. We'd go for Essex in 2000 (venue was more expensive than recent ones but after all we had not exactly been over-funding the Juniors in recent years). For 2001 it would be Kent or Herts (Herts centenary) and we'd decide later, probably next meeting, when more details were known.
     (b) Girls Jamborees. We were getting very few entries, possibly because Surrey were frightening the others off, or possibly because of the clash with the "Open" event. Various solutions were discussed, but no conclusions reached. This may come up at the AGM. Oxon complained about having the SCCU event in term time and the BCF one in the holidays, because Oxon players tend not to be available in the holidays. But the other Unions have traditionally wanted a holiday date for the Finals.
     (c) U14/U90. This new competition had been an obvious success, and it was agreed that it would continue.
(7) SCCU Website. The Executive expressed satisfaction that we had a (working) website now. Someone suggested a new Office of Webmaster, and someone else (outside the meeting, fortunately) suggested the hateful title of Communications Officer to cover both Website and Bulletin.
(8) Eligibility of Cambs players for SCCU titles. This did arise in connection with the U11 title (see Open Forum), and we needed a rule. After quite a lot of discussion it was decided that Cambs are a Member County like anyone else, and that in future any player from a Member County (or Non-County Member, should that ever arise) would be eligible to win SCCU titles.
(9) British Chess Educational Trust Awards. The Executive decided on two nominations. Won't say which schools they are until the BCET has announced its awards.
(10) Leaflet distribution. Well, there had been queries about it. The SCCU Bulletin will distribute leaflets, for a fee. It was agreed that Member Counties and NCMs should pay less than anyone else.
(11) Rules. (a) A sub-committee was set up to re-draft the SCCU County Match Rules, and to produce some rules for the U14/U90 and the U180 Jamboree. Not sure how quickly all this is going to happen, but there could be County Match proposals at the AGM. It's more a question of tidying the Rules up than changing the substance. (b) The Executive endorsed a copy of the 1998 General Rules as an accurate text of what the AGM agreed. These rules will go to County secretaries (not before time).
(12) Trophies. Bit routine, this. The Executive sort of established that all the trophies were where they were supposed to be. The Junior trophies alleged to have been around in the eighties have not been traced, and it was suspected that they may never have existed. The Executive became confused about the Stevenson Memorial Trophy (missing since at least 1983), and the Stevenson Trophy (extant but not currently in use, and no one was sure of its history). A newly recovered minute book had established the presentation of a Stevenson Trophy in the 1930s, clearly not the Memorial one since Mr Stevenson was alive at the time.
(13) U180 Jamboree 1999. The likeliest date for this event was 15th May.

The meeting finished about 10.40 pm, shortly after rjh left to catch his last train home. This is unfortunate since rjh is supposed to write the minutes. Noises have been made about 10.30 guillotines.
     Note: Next Executive meeting is Friday 14th May, and AGM is 3rd July. Written notice of items for the AGM must reach the General Secretary by the 8th May, and papers for circulation must reach him by the 5th June.

John J ("Harry") Lauder died on Friday 12th February 1999 at the age of 92. He received the BCF President's Award in 1987 and was the first, and for many years the only, Life Vice-President of the SCCU.
     Harry joined the Wimbledon club while still at school and became their President in 1971, a position he held for ten years. He served the Surrey Association in several capacities, first as competitions secretary in 1947-8, followed at once by a twelve-year stint as county secretary and a four-year one some time afterwards as meetings secretary, before settling down in 1978 to his final contribution as editor of Surrey Chess News.
     His work for the SCCU spanned more than 30 years. He became a member of the Executive in 1951, and was secretary from 1956 until his election as Deputy President in 1967 and President the year after. He was many times Union representative on the BCF Council. After his Presidential term he remained an influential member of the Executive, editing the SCCU Bulletin from 1970 to 1978. On his retirement from this job the Union thought so highly of his services that it created for him the title of Life Vice-President, a title of which he was for nearly 20 years the only holder. He served another five terms on the Executive before finally retiring in 1983.
     Harry was a keen but moderate player and was for very many years a regular member of the Surrey Amboyna team. He played regularly for Wimbledon in the London League, and in the early 1950s was a member of the League's executive committee. He also played for Cosmopolitan Banks.
     Failing health curtailed Harry's chess activities in later years, but he retained an interest in the game and always wished to keep abreast of developments.
     Harry's funeral took place on Monday 22nd February and the SCCU was represented.

Essex v Rest of SCCU at Hornchurch, 11th October 1998
Biggest match your Editor has ever played in. Essex had white on odd in round 1. In theory at any rate, but we’ve a feeling re-arrangements may have interfered here and there. A few Essex people helped out on the SCCU side, including board 3 where Surrey further confused the issue by turning out twice for Essex. (Don’t think this was planned.) All moves in 50 minutes, or less in round 2 if someone had a train or wife to catch. Thought it was going to be Rapidplay graded, but it wasn’t.
     We’ve supplied county affiliations, on the SCCU side, and aren’t too sure about some of them. It was nice to see most counties well represented, and some titled players turning out at the top.
     The buffet wasn’t bad, either. Thanks, Essex. Nice match, and we weren’t the only one to think so.



Rest of SCCU

  1 Jonathan Rogers 223

0  1

1  0

Neil McDonald K 239

  2 Gary Kenworthy 206

0  ½

1  ½

Paul Littlewood ?  224

  3 Tim Pelling 197 (Sy)

1  0


Roy Watts E 160




Mike Basman Sy 216

  4 Michael Twyble 206

0  1

1  0

Rawle Allicock Sy 204

  5 David Sands 207

1  ½

0  ½

John Quinn M 195

  6 Bill Stirling 187

1  1

0  0

Michael Macdonald-Ross Sy 193

  7 Robert Parker 176

½  1

½  0

Paul Cooksey Br 193

  8 Ivor Smith 173

0  1

0  1

Chris Majer H 177

  9 George McNally 172

0  1

1  0

David Sedgwick Sy 177

10 Bill Saunders 171

1  ½

0  ½

Robert Elliston Sx 175

11 David Millward 169

½  0

½  1

John Denton H 173

12 Ian Hunnable 166

0  ½

1  ½

Julien Shepley Sy 173

13 Dave Pearse 163

0  0

1  1

Mark Bowhay Br 171

14 Roger Farrow 162

0  0

1  1

Rod Nixon E 170

15 Les Crane 159

½  0

½  1

Barry Cheal H 170

16 Paul Salmon 154

1  0

0  1

Terry Turner H 169

17 John Davenport 154

½  0

½  1

Alvin Kissoon K 163

18 Colin Ramage 153

1  ½

0  ½

Howard Grist E 162

19 Laurence Trent 151

1  0

0  1

Nick Mackett K 161

20 Mike Bird 151

½  0

½  1

Terry Godwin K 156

21 Aidan Corish 150

½  0

½  1

Kerry Kingston K 155

22 Richard Manning 149

½  ½

½  ½

John Philpott E 155

23 Mustapha Rahaman 148

0  1

1  0

Richard Haddrell K 153

24 Stephen Wedlock 147

0  ½

1  ½

Mark Finch K 153

25 Steve Abbott 147

½  ½

½  ½

David Smith E 150

26 George Monk 145

1  0

0  1

Nigel Dennis Br 148

27 Joe Rosenberg 143

0  0

1  1

Chris Fewtrell M 148

28 Peter Walker 143

½  ½

½  ½

Colin Parker Sy 147

29 Ellen Walker 137

½  0

1  0

Jonathan Melsom Bu 138

30 Michael Bradford 134

0  1

1  0

Kevin Wilkinson Sy 137

31 Dave Cannan 131

1  1

0  0

Timothy Woods Sx 135

32 Robert Payne 124

½  0

½  1

Caius Turner H 132

33 Dominic Allen 124

0  0

1  1

Fred Manning Sy 132

34 Satnam Johal 123

1  0

0  1

Daniel Hirsch Sx 132

35 Robert Ianetta 119

1  1

0  0

Keith Parr M 125

36 Terry Cole 116

0  ½

1  ½

Mark Ashkettle E 125

37 John Sneesby 115

0  1

1  0

Michael Jones K 124

38 Michael Bridger 112

0  1

1  0

K Griggs H e116

39 Graham Walker 112

½  1

½  0

Stewart Trent E 113

40 Matthew Cain 110

0  ½

1  ½

G Lunn H 113

41 Richard Joyce 107

1  1

0  0

Ivor C Smith K 103

42 Gavin Strachan 107

1  1

0  0

Tony Hargreaves K 106

43 Nigel Nice 104

0  0

1  1

David Shipp K 99

44 Jack Cooper 99


½  1

Bernadette Cheal H 99

     Harold Sims 87



45 Jim Luck 96

0  0

1  1

Andrew Navias Br 93

46 Ron Prickett 96

0  ½

1  ½

Ben Purton Br 92

47 David D’Cruz 91

1  0

0  1

Alan Trent E 85

48 M Hussain 90

0  ½

1  ½

David Wilders M 78

49 Heather Walker 86

0  0

1  1

Bob Lee-Anderson K

                                   20½        21

     28½        27½



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