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Updated 18.3.99





  1 DSJ Shipp 99 (W)

1    0

Robert M Huhn 99

  2 E Birkhamshaw 94

½    ½

Mark Lawn 96

  3 A Woodfield 92

1    0

Ian Whyte 93

  4 J McKeever 67 (r)

0    1

Rees Gates 87

  5 NJ Arora 91

1    0

David Bate-Smith 81

  6 T Hogg 88

½    ½

Fred Riley 88

  7 H Shaw 83

0    1

Tobit Roth 96 1

  8 GH Walters 80

0    1

Dave Wilders 78

  9 R Bedwell 78

1    0

Neil Rashbrook 87 2

10 J Clarke

1    0

Anton Gadd 90 3


6              4


Bds 11 and 12 double-defaulted. Herts: "Excellent venue, well done to Dave Shipp and his people."

      1 Bd 7: Herts say 85. But it’s an unpublished grade. 2 Bd 9: Herts say 85. 3 Bd 10: Herts say 80 (unpublished again). If you’re wondering why we looked them up, it’s because Kent gave no grades and the Herts version didn't arrive till much later.




  1 Phil Humphreys 98

½    ½

George Smith 97 (W)

  2 Ben Azfali 96

½    ½

Ron Prickett 96

  3Tony Cook 96

0    1

James Luck 96

  4 Mike McTernan 94

1    0

Edward Morris 92

  5 Alan Radford 89

0    1

Matthew Jellett 89

  6 Colin Burt 89

½    ½

Mark Huntley 86

  7 Ted (EJ) Bradley 84

0    1

Heather Walker 86

  8 Stephen Banks 81

1    0

Antony O’Toole 84

  9 Cliff W Aylett 80

½    ½

Andrew Murphy 82

10 Leszek Serama 1 79

0    1

Daniel Hedges 78

11 David Walker 76

1    0

Nicholas Jellett 72

12 Graham Snow 69

0    1

Alistair Hung 67

(Durham Castle)

5           7

1 Bd 10: Grading list has Laszek Sarama.




  1 G Smith 97

0    1

DSJ Shipp 99

  2 J Luck 96

1    0

N Sharman 91

  3 R Prickett 96

1    0

K Findley 90

  4 M Jones 96

½    ½

T Hogg 88

  5 E Morris 92  j

0    1

E Isted 87

  6 M Jellett 89  j

0    1

J Spink 86

  7 M Huntley 86  j

1    0

R Bedwell 78

  8 A O’Toole 84  j

1    0

N Lang 78

  9 A Murphy 82  j

1    0

J Clarke e75

10 D Hedges 78  j

0    1

J McKeever 67

11 N Jellett 72  j

½    ½

M Clement 65

12 A Hung 65  j

1    0


(Temple Mead S)

7           5





  1 Keith Foreman 99 (B)

0    1

Mike McTernan 94

  2 Alexandra Wilson 99

1    0

Larry McDonagh 90

  3 Richard Jones 99

1    0

Derek Birt 90

  4 Matthew Taylor 97

½    ½

Fernando Villasevil 89

  5 Chris Chapman 96

½    ½

Ted Bradley 84

  6 H Murray-Smith 96

½    ½

Stephen Banks 81

  7 Anna Partington 91

1    0

Cliff Aylett 80

  8 Sarah Hegarty 92

1    0

David Walker 76

  9 Bernard Sweetman 96

1    0

Graham Snow 69

10 John Silverton 96

1    0


11 Laila Tillett

1    0


12 Richard Davey

1    0



9½          2½

Bd 4: Surrey "making-no-progress" claim upheld.






Robert Huhn 99 (B)

1    0

G Smith 97


Ian Whyte 93

½    ½

J Luck 96


Frank Batchelor 91

0    1

R Prickett 96


Des Wasik 90

1    0

M Jellett 89  j


Dave Bate-Smith 92

0    1

Heather Walker 86  j


Alan Dowling 87  j

1    0

M Huntley 86  j


Rees Gates 87

1    0

A O'Toole 84  j


Fred Riley 88

0    1

A Murphy 82  j


Tobit Roth 85

½    ½

D Hedges 78  j



0    1

N Jellett 72  j


Anton Gadd 80

1    0

A Hung 65  j



0    1

Tony O'Toole e71

   (St Albans)

6           6






JC Robertson 99 (B)

½    ½

Keith Foreman 99


E Birkhamshaw 94

1    0

Richard Jones 99


JR Thompson 92

1    0

Matthew Taylor 97


A Woodfield 92

1    0

Arthur Meaton 97


K Findley 90

½    ½

Chris Chapman 96


T Hogg 88

0    1

Anna Partington 91


J Spink 86

0    1

Harvey Murray-Smith 96


D Howdle 82

0    1

John Silverton 94


R Bedwell 78

0    1

Laila Tillett 91


N Lang 78

½    ½

Richard Davey 93


J Clarke e75

0    1

David Manders 89


J McKeever 67

0    1

Chris Manders 86


4½        7½


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Phil Humphrey 98 (B)

½    ½

NF Fisk 99


Tony Cook 96

½    ½

JC Robertson 99


Ben Azfali 96

1    0

DSJ Shipp 99


Simon Chirgwin 95 1

1    0

JR Thompson 92



0    1

A Woodfield 92


Larry McDonagh 90

1    0

N Arora 91


Derek Birt 89

½    ½

K Findley 90


Alan Radford 89

1    0

T Hogg 88


Ted 2 Bradley 84

1    0



Stephen Banks 81

1    0

A Fraser 80


Cliff Aylett 80

½    ½

R Bedwell 78


Lazek Serama 3 79

1    0

J Clarke e75

   (Durham Castle)

9          3


1 Bd 4: not found. He's given as BBC. There's three Chirgwins but none called Simon, none with that grade, and none listed as BBC. Fifth letter could be a C or an L, but there's no Chircwins or Chirlwins. Bd 9: "Likes to be known as Ted Bradley. Is listed as both172739E Bradley Edward J [81] and 176052L Bradley T [84]." Editor's note (not that it makes any difference here): if you've got two published grades, the higher one counts for eligibility in the SCCU stage. In the BCF stage, the rules don't seem to say. 3 Bd 12: that makes three ways of spelling it.






Keith Foreman 99 (B)

1    0



Thomas McLeod 99 j

0    1

Mark Lawn 99


Richard Greensmith 97 j

½    ½

David Ash 94


Richard Jones 99

½    ½

Ian Whyte 93


Arthur Meaton 97

½    ½

Dave Bate-Smith 92


Chris Chapman 96 j

0    1

Des Wasik 90


Harvey Murray-Smith 96

1    0

Dave Wilders 78


John Silverton 94

0    1

Rees Gates 87


Lana Boztas 92

1    0

Anton Gadd 80


Laila Tillett 91

1    0



Richard Davey 93

1    0




0    0



6½      4½

"There was good hospitality from the Surrey captain, Richard Davey, who provided excellent refreshments." - Herts mc





Ron Prickett 96 (B)

1    0

Sagar Deva 99 j


James Luck 96

1    0

Keith Foreman 99


George Smith 99

½    ½

Richard Jones 99


Mark Jones 96

½    ½

Matthew Taylor 97


Antony O'Toole 84 j

0    1

Arthur Meaton 97


Mark Huntley 86 j

1    0

Chris Chapman 96 j


Matthew Jellett 89 j

½    ½

Anna Partington 91 j


Heather Walker 86 j

0    1

Sarah Hegarty 92 j


Edward Morris 92 j

0    1

Harvey Murray-Smith 96


Daniel Hedges 78 j

1    0

Lana Boztas 92


Andrew Murphy 82 j

0    1

Laila Tillett 91


Nicholas Jellett 72 j

0    1

Richard Davey 93


5½      6½






Mark Lawn 96 (B)

½    ½

Phil Humphry 98


Savid Ash 94

1    0

Tony Cook 96


Frank Batchelor 91

1    0

Mike McTernan 94


Mark Lomax 91

0    1

Larry McDonagh 90


Ian Whyte 93

0    1

Derek Birt 90



0    1

Alan Radford 89


Alan Dowling 87

0    1

Barry Miles 88


Rees Gates 87

½    ½

Ted Bradley 84


Tobit Roth

1    0

Stephen Banks 81



0    1

Cliff Aylett 80


Paul Humbles

0    1

David Walker 75



0    1

Graham Snow 69

   ("Breakspear School,
   Comley Lane")

4          8


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