26 Apr 2016
- U14/130 9.4.16 Richmond 8½ 15½ Kent. You'll have to scroll down to it.
25 Apr 2016
- Belatedly we have U14/130 9.4.16 Richmond 8½ 15½ Kent. That is a bare match score: detail to follow. The Eastern Zone is complete.
- ECF U160 QF 23.4.16 Cambs 6½ 9½ Essex
- updated: ECF Prelims (foreigners only)
24 Apr 2016
- ECF U120 Prelim 23.4.16 Kent 4 7 Lincs. We now have the full match score, and a correction. It turns out that an ungraded Kent player had not been cleared to play. The Controller has adjusted the scores and reversed the match result.
23 Apr 2016
- ECF Stage 23.4.16 (bare match scores) U120 Prelim Kent* 6 6 Lincs; U160 QF (played early) Cambs 6½ 9½ Essex
19 Apr 2016
- U14/130 17.4.16 Berks 13½ 10½ Oxon A. This completes the Western Zone, given that Bucks had withdrawn (we didn't know). Oxon A win a very tight contest and will meet Kent (Eastern winners) in the Final.
- ECF Finance Council meeting 16.4.16: a report
18 Apr 2016
- U14/130 17.4.16 (bare match score: detail to follow) Berks 13½ 10½ Oxon A
- updated: SCCU Executive report; Who's Who
17 Apr 2016
- SCCU Executive Committee meeting 8.4.16: a report
05 Apr 2016
- Saga over. The ECF website broke silence this morning, and our ECF-stage page now matches it.
04 Apr 2016
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers. Nearly there. We've now seen the Controller's official pairings for the Open (surmises confirmed). This leaves only the U180, where we do have an outstanding northern surmise. Keep trying the ECF website.
02 Apr 2016
- updated: ECF-stage nominees. We now have most of the Controller's pairings. No surprises, but it fills in a few gaps. Offhand the only nominees we're still unsure of are from the inscrutable north. There's also a footnote to the SCCU U120 revisions of the other day.
01 Apr 2016
- updated (sort of): ECF-stage qualifiers. The Controller has circulated the official pairings for the Minor Counties, confirming the ones we had already. This has gone only to the Minor Counties captains, as far as we know, but one of them has kindly passed it on to us. Have all the divisions been treated in the same way? If you've got details for any of the others, say! (The ECF website hasn't. It's on holiday till Monday 4th.)
31 Mar 2016
- updated: ECF-stage nominations (SCCU). Two teams have declined nomination.
21 Mar 2016
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers (U100)
20 Mar 2016
- U120 19.3.16 Essex 6½ 5½ Surrey. The last of the SCCU sections is complete, and Herts retain their title.
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers
19 Mar 2016
- U120 19.3.16 Kent 5½ 6½ Herts. This settles 3rd place, if it wasn't settled already, but the top two places wait on Essex - Surrey (also played today, but we haven't heard the result yet).
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers
18 Mar 2016
- We finally have the SCCU U18 & U14 Jamborees in full
17 Mar 2016
- SCCU U18 & U14 Jamborees 13.3.16. Three of the four sections completed now, and counting. Keep watching, and check for errors. All jamborees are hard to type, but SCCU junior jamborees are something else.
16 Mar 2016
- SCCU U18 & U14 Jamborees 13.3.16. Mostly we give summary results. The detail will take longer.
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers (Minor Counties again)
14 Mar 2016
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers (Minor Counties)
13 Mar 2016
- U180 12.3.16 Sussex 6 10 Middx
- U140 12.3.16 Herts 8 8 Surrey; Middx 8 8 Kent; Sussex 3½ 12½ Essex. This completes the U140.
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers
12 Mar 2016
- U180 12.3.16 (bare match score) Sussex 6 10 Middx with 5 Sussex defaults. Details when we have them. This completes the U180.
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers; Players Cleared (yes, there's still time for SCCU clearances)
10 Mar 2016
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers. We had overlooked the SCCU qualifiers in the Minor Counties!
08 Mar 2016
- updated: Players Cleared. Also ECF-stage qualifiers, completing the MCCU contingent.
06 Mar 2016
- Applications are invited from congresses wishing to host the SCCU Individual Championship 2016-17 or to offer a British Championship qualifying place 2017. The SCCU has four BCQ places in its gift, one of which goes to the congress that hosts the Union Championship. Applications to the SCCU Secretary Richard Haddrell rjh@sccu.ndo.co.uk, to reach him in time for the Executive Committee meeting of 8th April 2016 (but earlier is better).
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers (MCCU)
28 Feb 2016
- Open 27.2.16 Essex 6 10 Surrey. This completes the Open section.
- U160 27.2.16 Sussex 7½ 8½ Essex
- U120 27.2.16 Surrey 8 4 Middx
- U14/130 27.2.16 Sussex 14½ 9½ Surrey
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers (SCCU U160 and some Northern guesses). Do check our SCCU League Tables.
27 Feb 2016
- Open 27.2.16 Kent 10 6 Sussex
- U160 27.2.16 Kent 6 10 Surrey
- updated: ECF-stage qualifiers (Open, Minor)
24 Feb 2016
- U140 20.2.16 Sussex 8 8 Middx
22 Feb 2016
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