Saturday 25th June 2016 at The Hall School, London NW3 (scheduled for 2 pm). All Counties but one were represented, one way or another. Your Webmaster does not expect to attend meetings these days unless the walking involved is minimal, but attended this one through the good offices of the President who gave him a lift.
There was still, however, a twenty-minute wait before the meeting bcame quorate. The quorum is 8. 10 attended in the end, including 1 observer. The meeting followed recent good practice by determining at the outset how many votes everyone had. It went 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. In the course of the meeting we only noticed one person actually exercising his right to more than 1 vote, but then there weren't any votes close enough for it to matter. (1) Money
(a) Accounts 2015-16. The Treasurer was away on international service playing for an ECF Senior team, but his Accounts were present. The "audited" accounts for the year ended 30th April showed an overall surplus of £1040 (£934 last year) and £6792 in the bank. These figures have to be viewed with caution, since accounting is on a cash basis and some bills are outstanding (or were on 30th April). We have also saved about £660 over the last two seasons by not insuring the Trophies, and the bank account includes something towards a Trophy Reserve (see earlier meetings). How much? Last year's AGM decided on a maximum reserve of £2000, subject to annual review and no one this year suggested reviewing it.
Council accepted the Accounts.
(b) Budget 2016-17. The Treasurer expected this year's finances to be broadly in line with last year's, and proposed only one change in fees: a small reduction in the U14/130 entry fee if paid promptly. So County affiliation fee £50; NCM affiliation fee half of that as prescribed by the rules, but with a £5 discount if paid by 1st December; County Championship entry fee £20 per team; U14/130 entry fee £35, with a £15 discount (was £10) if paid by 1st December.
Council agreed these fees, but (sort of) returned to the junior budget further down. (2) Officers' Reports
(a) President. The President noted that we were losing two of the Union's longest-serving officers in Richard Haddrell and David Smith, who had been Secretary and County Match Controller since 1997 and 1998 respectively. This aside she noted a successful and uneventful season. David Smith would have reported, had he been present, a second assured ECF title for the SCCU following Lancashire's late (very late) concession to Kent in the U100 semi-final. The title already assured, if you'd forgotten, is the U160.
(b) Secretary. Chris Majer, who had been lately appointed by the Executive, was away on the same international service as the Treasurer, but had sent a written report. Among other things, he had picked up from his predecessor the almost complete collection of paper Bulletins going back to 1958, and would get them professionally digitised once he had agreed a budget with the Treasurer. (Your Webmaster retains a lot of duplicate Bulletins starting from 1978, but anything older is probably unique.) Scanning will be done in batches and results can appear on this website as they are done. Chris also has, for the record, all the extant minute books going back to the second world war.
(c) Junior Organiser. AE reported that the U14/130 Final, usually played before the AGM, was fixed for Saturday 2nd July. Kent were at home to Oxon A. They had been talking to the Treasurer about SCCU's contribution to costs. A figure of £150 had been mentioned. The meeting thought this reasonable, but would go along with anything the Treasurer agreed to.
We were still looking for a venue for the coming season's junior Jamborees. Herts and Middx have been mentioned.
(d) Webmaster. The Webmaster said he was behind with the ECF semi-final matches, but had made a start on the catching up. In the meantime the results were on the ECF site. (3) Elections (and appointment).
With two exceptions the Officers were re-elected en bloc after it was established that there were no other aspirants. Chris Majer, already in place as Secretary after his appointment by the Executive, was now elected in the traditional way. Michael Flatt of Herts, the only candidate for County Match Controller, made up the complement.
We said the Officers were re-elected en bloc, but how about Minute Secretary? Richard Haddrell always combined Minute Secretary with Secretary, but the jobs used to be separate and nothing says they can't be. Chris Majer's position on the subject was not known for sure. Council asked the Executive to appoint (co-opt?) a Minute Secretary, with voting rights, if Chris did not want the job.
Peter Baker was re-appointed as Independent Examiner. (4) SCCU Rules: Re-arranging match dates
Surrey CCA, who more than once this season had been afflicted with opponents seeking to change dates at short notice, proposed a new and more prescriptive 10(a) in the County Match Rules. We won't print it here: it was accepted by Council and is now in the appropriate Rules page.
As a bonus, Council took the opportunity to remove 10(a)'s unfortunate clash with Rule 4. The ancient requirement for publication of fixture lists in May had somehow survived in 10(a) after changes in Rule 4 made it nonsensical. The item dated 15.5.16 below should never have been necessary. It won't be next year. (5) ECF Entry fees
This one won't lie down. You will recall that we had it on the agenda of last year's ECF AGM. Our proposal was that the ECF should charge entry fees only for teams that actually qualified for the ECF stage. It was at the bottom of the agenda and got crowded out, and was not resurrected for the April meeting (where it would most likely have met the same fate). Should we raise it again at this year's AGM? One delegate, who had been hammering away at this for 17 years, proposed that we do so. His argument was principally on grounds of equity, though he felt that the SCCU was losing out under the present arrangement. The President, arguing against this, passed round a statistical analysis suggesting that, on reasonable assumptions, the SCCU would lose out even more if the rule changed; in fact the only gainers would be EACU and WECU. This was a one-year analysis only, based on 2014-15, but others present said they had looked further back and formed similar conclusions for the last five years or so. Countering this, the original speaker referred to the £100 fine currently levied on Unions for each team requested in January but not actually fielded when it came to the crunch. This was quite different from the £100 fine levied on a County which accepted nomination in March and subsequently defaulted. The Union fine was unfortunate, because it faced Unions with the choice between over-predicting in January at the risk of a fine, and under-predicting at the risk of playing less chess than they might have. It is easy to see that this will upset analysis if most Unions adopt the latter approach, as they apparently do. (The SCCU doesn't.)
Discussion went deeper than this, and embraced practicality as well as principle, but we have delighted you long enough. It was agreed that proposing change would be at least premature, and the proposer withdrew his proposal. However, there was one point that everyone seemed to agree on. The £100 fine for Unions that guessed wrong and over-predicted. We would propose its abolition or reduction (Executive to sort out details by email). (6) SCCU Quasquicentenary.
Quasqui who? Let's call it 125th anniversary. The Union has one in 2017. There was strong feeling that some kind of celebration would be in order. Suggested: a large-scale match between, say, SCCU North and SCCU South; and/or an SCCU team in the World or European Seniors Championship. Council set up a committee which would come up with concrete proposals at the Autumn Executive meeting. (7) ECF/BCF Yearbooks
Your Webmaster said he had some Yearbooks going spare, mostly from the last eighteen years. Any interest? You know where he lives.
The meeting closed at 5.40 pm, and was almost seamlessly followed by the traditional
which did routine things. (1) Appointment of BCF and ECF Reps. J Denning in both cases. (2) Appointment of Rules and Appeals Sub-Committee. J Denning, A Fulton, RJ Haddrell, JA Philpott; plus nominees (to be notified) from Herts and Surrey. Convener J Denning. (3) Date of Next Meeting Friday 30th September 2016 at a central London venue to be arranged (guillotine 10 pm). Some favoured moving around the Counties, but that would need consultation and weekends. No other dates were arranged.
The meeting closed at 6.22 pm.
rjh 29.6.16
15.5.16 SCCU COUNTY FIXTURES 2016-17
County Match Controller David Smith writes:
Recent correspondence has reminded me that the SCCU County Match Controller is now charged with the task of producing a (provisional) Fixture List during May for the coming season, despite the fact that formal entries are now made for all the Divisions after the publication of the July 2016 Grading List, with a closing date for all sections of 15th August 2016. Here then (below) are these dates which take into account all known Congresses (as per the ECF Calendar), including:
4NCL Weekends
London Chess Classic
Herts Congress
Kidlington Congress
Witney Congress
In the Under 180 Division I have made an assumption that there may be only four entries next season (Ex, Mx, Sx & Sy) following the withdrawal at the start of last season of Kent for want of a Match
Captain. This situation would lead to a double round of fixtures (H & A) as per the SCCU County Match Rules.
Provisional Dates 2016/2017
Oct 08
Nov 12
Jan 07
Jan 28
Feb 25
Oct 01
Oct 29
Dec 03
Jan 21
Feb 18
Mar 11
It can be assumed that Under 160 Fixtures will again match those in the Open, and that Under 140 Fixtures will match those in the Under 180. Under 120 and 100 Fixtures may or may not follow this pattern subject to entries and venue availability.
[Webmaster's remark. Isn't it time we removed that old date in 10(a)? We should have done it when we revised Rule 4 in 2014.]
The SCCU Executive met on Friday 8th April 2016 in Hampstead; eight attended including one observer.
President Julie Denning referred to her election in October as a non-Executive Director of the ECF. In this connection she was anticipating being invited to chair the April ECF Council meeting and had thought it expedient to pass her proxy for this meeting to County Match Controller David Smith. Julie had also instituted a search for a new SCCU Secretary in view of Richard Haddrell’s stated intention to stand down at the 2016 SCCU Annual Council meeting.
Deputy President Richard Haddrell had not submitted a report but it was hoped that he would be able to continue in office.
Secretary Richard Haddrell had confirmed his intention to resign this post as from the Annual Council meeting, or earlier if a suitable volunteer emerged.
Junior Organiser Angela Eyton confirmed that the U14/130 Competition was still in progress leading to a Final between the Zonal winners in due course.
Webmaster Richard Haddrell had stated that he was prepared to continue in office for the present, but that long-term a replacement would need to be found. Digitisation of SCCU Bulletins was mentioned and the President would make enquiries to see what progress had been made in this direction.
British Championship qualifying places 2017 and SCCU Championship 2016/17. The SCCU Championship was awarded to the Weald Congress 2017. BCQ places were awarded to the Thanet and Hertfordshire Congresses and to the London Classic event (all 2016). It was noted that the ECF regulations governing the award of BCQ places were likely to change from 2018.
BCET Award. An acceptable and meritorious nomination had been received via CSC and this would be submitted for consideration.
SCCU County Match Rules. Surrey CA Representative Paul Shepherd tabled (for discussion) a proposed Rule change introducing a strict time limit for the submission of requests for the postponement of SCCU County matches. The paper was accepted in principle, but after some discussion it was suggested that the deadline be set at 21 days prior to the match as opposed to the 14 days envisaged in the paper. No firm decision was reached however and Surrey CA would arrange for the submission of a formal proposal to the next SCCU Council meeting in June.
Rules & Appeals Sub-Committee. Mike Gunn had said he no longer wished to serve on the Sub-Committee. He was replaced, with immediate effect, with David Sedgwick.
ECF matters particularly relating to the ECF Council meeting on 16th April. After reviewing the complex Agenda, the following guidance was given:
Budget: support for Option B which precluded any increase in Membership or Game Fees
FIDE related “Pay to Play” Fees: support this proposal
“Go” proposal for Central London venue for “Mind Sports”: no support
Amendments to the Articles and Bye-laws to implement the recommendations of Pearce Commission: support all the proposals.
County Champs. rule changes: A) ECF Open & Minor to be FIDE rated – vote against. B) Stagger default dates over two weekends – in favour
Transparent voting at Council and proxy preferences; in favour
Investigate PQASSO Quality Mark as quality standard for ECF: against
David Smith 17.4.16, revised 18.4.16
Friday 9th October 2015 (7 pm) at Hampstead NW3. 9 attended, plus an observer. The meeting, as you expect at that time of year, was largely about the ECF AGM due eight days later. (1) Officers' Reports
(a) County Match Controller. The CMC complained about late entries - we think he said only two Counties met the deadline despite a reminder. Nobody's perfect.
(b) Junior Organiser. It was remarked that we should get the Junior Jamborees sorted in good time, and AE said she hoped to have news by the end of November. But most time was spent on the U14/130, which has got off to a rather rocky start. We still needed a controller for the Eastern Zone. (We had one two or three days later: see the U14/130 page.) Controller or not, the competitions largely run themselves if people remember to send their results in. To the website as well, of course. (2) ECF Matters. (For the papers of the ECF AGM 17.10.15, see
(a) Grading. The Executive duly looked at it, and was no more keen on the Home Director's proposals than Council was in the next meeting down. Someone not unconnected with grading suggested a much quicker and cheaper (if dirtier) way of achieving monthly grades. On the other hand it was suspected that the Director was equally seduced by the prospect of four-figure grades and their consistency (spurious, of course) with the rest of the world.
(b) Insurance. This wasn't all ECF. You'll remember that the Executive decided in Otober 2014 to stop insuring the Trophies and set up a Trophy Replacement Fund instead. The AGM in June took up this idea and fixed a target sum of £2000. You'd be forgiven for thinking that was that, and we're not sure why the Executive now reopened the subject. It agreed with itself and the AGM.
But more time was spent on the other thing, which is coming up at the ECF meeting. It's an SCCU proposal. Child Protection (probably not the right term) has been rumbling on, mostly in the background, since at least 2010. This year it won't lie down - see reports below. Someone asked, "What does unsupervised mean?" For things like this you go to Government guidance. Alternatively, ask the ECF Child Protection Officer. There isn't an ECF Child Protection Officer.
(c) Elections. Oh, dear. This year more than most there will be voters asking themselves, "Can we expect A and B to sit in the same room with each other? Is None of the Above allowed to hold two different jobs?" We won't reveal the SCCU's preferences, though. Not now. After the elections maybe. (3) SCCU Deputy President
If you remember, a nominee at the AGM said he'd think about it. The meeting referred it to the Executive, which asked again and he said yes. He was your Webmaster. He observed that, while Deputy President seems consistent with the Secretary's job, President hardly does. This would be an incentive, the year after next, for the Union to find a new Secretary at last. Or, of course, to extend the de facto Presidential term beyond two years. (4) Future Meetings. Executive: Friday 8th April 2016, same venue again. AGM: Saturday 25th June 2016, venue to be determined.
The meeting closed at 10.40 pm.
rjh 16.10.15
Saturday 27th June 2015 at the Rotary District HQ, York Gate, London NW1
11 attended. Including the Independent Examiner as an observer, till he was enlisted as a County rep. We remembered, once again, to establish at the start how many votes everyone had. It went: 3 votes, 2; 2 votes, 4; 1 vote: 5. Which probably adds up to 19 votes. Two NCMs were represented. Two Counties had 2 reps, one had 0, the rest had 1, and there were no proxies. (1) Officers' Reports. Not much to report, really.
(a) Junior Organiser. The Junior Organiser said the U14/130 wasn't finished yet. They were playing the Final that afternoon. You could tell anyway, because she was getting text updates on the score. Go to last season's U14/130 page to find out if her team won.
"Could we have the Junior Jamborees south of the river next year?" Not sure what the answer was, but it has been a largely southern enterprise in recent years. There certainly aren't any rules about it.
(b) County Match Controller. It seems there had been a dispute between a team that wanted to vary the starting time of a match, and an opponent that didn't. The Controller would publish some guidelines for next season. (They are now here.)
(c) Webmaster. There are hard times coming. Not really, but costs are going up. (It's your Webmaster's site and he hasn't charged the Union in years, but he might now. The ECF would have to chip in as well!) (2) Accounts 2014-15
The independently examined (what is the English for that?) Accounts showed a surplus for the year of £934, and cash assets of £5752. As we've said before, annual surpluses and deficits don't mean a lot when you're working on a cash basis. We've got £934 more in the bank than last year, £731 more than the year before, and look further for trends. (No, we haven't.)
Discussion centred on the Trophy Reserve, or trophy replacement fund as the Executive called it further down (3.10.14). How big should it be? Someone suggested £2000 max, subject to annual review, and the AGM agreed. Should the Accounts show it as a separate item? The meeting said no, by 7 votes to 1, so you just have to remember it's there.
The Accounts were approved. (3) Budget 2015-16
The overall surplus includes a Junior surplus of £155, after payment of Game Fee, whatever it comes to, for ECF non-Members. Should we be doing more? It was suggested we should also pay for venue and refreshments at the U14/130 Final. Someone estimated £100 for this, and it will be done.
Fees will remain the same as last year. So County affiliation fee £50; NCM affiliation fee half of that as prescribed by the rules, but with a £5 discount if paid by 1st December; County Championship entry fee £20 per team; U14/130 entry fee £35, with a £10 discount if paid by 1st December.
The Budget was approved. (4) Elections
Everyone was re-elected, except the President who wasn't trying to be. Deputy President Julie Denning began her stint as President. New Deputy President? There was a nominee, who is believed to be thinking about it. (5) Richmond Junior Chess Club
The club had applied for admission to NCM Membership. Or re-admission, because they were Members years ago. This year's application was miles out of time, but the meeting agreed to consider it. A couple of Counties said a new Member might affect them, but did not object; and the application was accepted unanimously. (6) SCCU Rule changes
(a) F Grades. The new F grades, as you know, are based on 5 - 8 games only so are not very reliable. The ECF introduced them to make it easier for new players to get grades, but does not actually use them in future calculation. The Executive proposed that F grades should not count for eligibility in SCCU County matches (that is, players with only F grades should be treated as ungraded). This was agreed by 6 votes to 1. Apply it to the U14/130 as well? No.
(b) Proposals at General Meetings. The Executive Committee has been concerned that there are no rules about who can make proposals. We adopted an amendment to 8(b) of the General Rules, and it now appears in that place.
(c) Non-County Members. On a related point, General Rule 10(a) provides that the maximum number of NCM reps at Executive meetings is five. If there are more than five NCMs they have to elect five of their number to speak for them. The reason, you will see no doubt, is to stop the NCMs swamping meetings. In practice there are never more than two NCM reps at meetings, and the election which is intended to solve the "problem" is so cumbersome and time-consuming that it is usually ignored. So the Secretary (guess who conducts the election) proposed abolishing the rule. Carried, in a way, by 5 votes to 4; but that was not the two-thirds required. Whereupon the Secretary refused to conduct this year's election, so someone else agreed to do it. He later did and got 2 responses, one of them saying "not interested". We did hear he was going to try again. (7) ECF Matters
(a) Entry fees. It was unanimously agreed to propose, at the ECF AGM, the abolition of the rule that all Counties pay national-stage entry fees to the ECF whether they play in the national stage or not.
(b) Revamp of National Stage? The Home Director was thought to be considering various modifications, such as starting the national stage earlier. It was agreed we were happy with the existing setup - other than entry fees! - and we hoped any such changes would be put to Council rather than imposed by the Home Director.
(c) Grading. It was said that the Home Director was looking at the possibility of switching to Elo rating. The meeting did not seem very keen, but decided to wait till some actual proposals emerged. They have now, and we daresay the Executive will be looking at it on 9th October. (8) SCCU Anniversary
Someone noted that the Union's 125th anniversary was two years off. We should plan early if we intended celebrations.
The meeting closed at 6.25 pm, and was seamlessly followed by the traditional
which did routine things. (1) Appointment of BCF and ECF Reps. J Denning in both cases. (2) Appointment of Rules and Appeals Sub-Committee. J Denning, M Flatt, A Fulton, M Gunn, RJ Haddrell, JA Philpott (3) Date of Next Meeting Friday 9th October 2015. Dates of other meetings, very provisionally: Executive 8 April; AGM 25th June.
The meeting closed at 6.55 pm.
rjh 23.9.15
Earlier material is in the Archive.